If you are a puzzler, then you know, the pieces count matters. What does that mean?
Well, if you are only at a 100-piece puzzle stage, there is no point trying to do a 1,000-piece puzzle. Equally, there is little interest for you to do a 12-piece puzzle.
Our junior puzzlers will work through the different pieces puzzle count as they improve their puzzling skills. The best starting point in our opinion, is the 2-piece’s puzzle like the Crocodile Creek Lets Begin canisters. These simple puzzles help develop hand eye coordination and problem-solving skills. Also, it’s great value as there are 10 puzzles included in the canister.
As children improve their puzzling skills, you’ll notice that will they want more challenges, the easiest way to provide that is to increase the puzzles piece count.
We try to provide a wide range of topics and images to help engage avid puzzlers and it doesn’t hurt if there is some accidental learning through educational material appearing on the puzzle.
The Toy Wagon team also works hard to ensure that there is always a good variety different puzzles all with different pieces count. That way you can always find the next puzzle to cater for whatever puzzling stage your or your kids are enjoying.