My children can’t throw away their first books. They are like little reminders of how they started out on their reading adventures. They are also very nostalgic for my kids as they have always been in their room for as long as they can remember. From time to time, pull their first books off the shelf and talk about how little they were when we used to read them together. Like most children, mind love hearing about what they were like when they were new to the world.
Paediatricians agree that reading from our babies from their earliest of days is best and books have been referred to as “baby’s first theatre” – I love that don’t you. Even the smallest baby is ready to tune into what is being read to them.
In addition to reading to our littlest members of the family (and yes that was right, reading to them from birth is best), we have a range of baby books designed for them. Fabric pages that crinkle, High contrast, books, board books, lift the flap books. Our First Books are designed to help introduce your baby to the world and to engage their senses, while falling in love with books (we hope).
Our team here at The Toy Wagon hope that you enjoy our selection of First Books and find something that your child will enjoy and that you can create lasting memories too.