Family time is so important – don’t you think!
We all get busy and our time as a family gets more and more important to us all the time. As our kids get older it can be more of a challenge to find that time as a family. But it’s so important to our kids development that we don’t just spend time with them doing what we have to, but also spend timing doing things we want to - so we think it’s great when we can find activities to do as a family.
We love to include all the extended family and generations when possible. It creates memories that last for ever, plus we find it brings out a stronger bound between us and our kids. Allowing the different members of the family to have better communication.
Our kids learn through modelling our behaviour, they copy us, and do as we do not as we say – (Ekkkkkkkkk! - haha). They also learn so much when they are playing. Family Activities provide an easy-going situation ideal for parents and older members of the family to demonstrate some great life skills, like how to act when you loose or how to not play too aggressively, how to laugh off the bad moves and to take the time to think things through.
It’s also a wonderful way to learn more about our kids. The benefits of spending time together as a family are priceless and having activities to do together helps encourage us to have that time together.
Our The Toy Wagon family hopes you love these Family Activity products that help support and build on that family time – as much as we do.