Creative and Sensory Play makes the most of child development. What could be better that toys that stimulate creative learning and toys designed to engaging littles one’s sensors.
So what are these toys good for? We’re so pleased you asked!
During creative play kids engage in imaginative and imitative play where they can create their own small world. In this safe place of pretend play, they can unleash their creativity, show their distinct personalities, and dream up all sorts of things for them to explore. It’s a wonderland to help them learn the skills of how to interact with the world around them, develop social skills, build their unique character, manage stress (yes believe it or not, little people need that too), and build positive relationships.
Sensory Play on the other hand are toys, games, activities that engage little one’s senses: Touch Taste, Hearing, Sight, Smell, Movement, and Balance. These toys provide opportunities for exploration, they encourage the process of: create, investigate, and explore. This in turn develops their ability to take on more complicated sensory information and create stronger connections. So what does that do? It allows them to process the sensory information in a better way and respond to it better.
There are lots and lots of examples of this but one of my favourites is the sense of hearing. – Imagine a little one who struggles with a lot of noise and staying involved in play. A little one at this stage may want the room to be quite of other sounds so they can focus on their play. However, by engaging in sensory play based around sounds they will be able to build their hearing sensory information processing and block out what isn’t important to their play.
That’s a lot better than having to be quite so your little one can play don’t you think.
At Toy Wagon, we have nurtured children’s creativity and imagination with our toys and products that allow them to explore themselves and the world around them. Find multiple brands and products that allow kids to enjoy Creative and Sensory Play.